Sara Norton

Speaking Experience

  • Bachelors & Masters of Communication
  • Developed and facilitated soft skills & leadership programming for students at Ontario Tech University 
  • Guest speaker in marketing bootcamp at RED Academy
  • Been public speaking since elementary school competitions

Shareable Bio 

Sara Norton is the Owner of REPLY-ALL, providing marketing automation services and tech advisory to small and growing businesses. 

She has 13+ years of marketing experience across many industries including entertainment, non-profit, education, and software, as well as launching two businesses of her own. 

Facilitation Style


Shareable Links

  • reply-all.ca
  • hello@reply-all.ca
  • linkedin.com/in/sara-norton

Webinars by Sara at REPLY-ALL

In this session, you’ll discover the affordable tech tools you can use to automate your customer experience – from how you acquire new customers, sell to them, deliver your products and services, invoice and get paid easier! Sara from REPLY-ALL will show you how you can save time by making use of automation and tech to take some admin off your plate!

In this session, you’ll discover the affordable tech tools you can use to automate your customer experience – from how you acquire new customers, sell to them, deliver your products and services, invoice and get paid easier! Sara from REPLY-ALL will show you how you can save time by making use of automation and AI… in a way that still feels human!

There are so many marketing channels, the algorithms are always changing, and new channels emerge often - how do you choose? Let an experience marketer with 13+ years experience help. Sara will guide attendees through the pros and cons of most major marketing channels, and give you the most important factors to consider when deciding which channel will be most worthwhile for your audience.

If you're using a notebook, a spreadsheet, and/or your brain to remember your clients and their details... this session is for you. There comes a time when your business is too big to manage contact info manually, and there's a lot of simple, affordable tech you can use to take this off your hands and mind. I guide participants through how to decide if an EMS or CRM is the right direction for you, tools I recommend, and then we get into the good stuff: we start to set up these systems together. We prep customer data, customer journeys, and templates together!

Sara from REPLY-ALL will teach you what is a lead magnet, what makes a good topic for a lead magnet, how to manage new leads with automation, and how to know when they're ready to be "sold" to. Plus, learn some of the DON'Ts in driving new business - from frowned upon to illegal ways to get people's contact information.

This working session is best suited to in-person 3-6 hour half day or full day workships.

If you're a fan of batching or sprinting at your marketing efforts in one session, you'll appreciate this workshop. Sara from REPLY-ALL email marketing & automation services will guide you through setting up (or migrating to) a new email marketing platform [and it doesn't matter which one you choose!]. By the end of the day you'll have set up email templates, lists contacts and integrations, generated ideas for campaigns, and set up at least 1 easy email automation.

Fee for webinar: 
$249 for 60-90 mins

*negotiable for non-profits and community organizations